Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping or Bungy jumping means jumping from a high place with a long elastic cord attached to your body. The high place is normally a construction, bridge or crane. The excitement comes since the freefall and the bounce back. While anyone jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and continues to move back and forth up and down until all the force is dissipated.


Rishikesh Bungee Jumping Bungee Jumping in Rishikesh is the highest Bungee Jump in India. Total height is 83 meters. Safety is one of the main concern for this kind of extreme sport so at Rishikesh Bungee Jumping they follow Safety Standards similar to Australia and New Zealand.

bungee jumping rishikesh

What is Giant Swing Rishikesh?
Jumpin Heights offer first fixed platform Giant Swing Rishikesh India. Jump is done from the same Bungee Platform. You are fitted with a seat & chest harness which is connected to the fixed wire ropes. On jump, after a initial free fall, the ropes smoothly swing you like a pendulum. You need guts to jump, but the experience is exhilarating. After the Swing, the Jumpers are lowered down to a drop zone in the river which has only 2 ft of water. Walk up to the cafeteria and enjoy watching your photographs & video of the jump. Can be done alone or by 2 people in Tandem.

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